Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Pay Raise for Educators

This I thought was an interesting article. I'm not sure of the exact year. Even back in the day the Pay for Educators sucked!  Also, interesting that they name my great-grandfather as the State Education Commissioner. Who knew right. 

Article Reads: Pay Raise Conditions Are Told
AUSTIN (AP) - Texas public school teachers can get pay raises during the wage-price freeze only if they were at work before Aug. 15 or received advanced college degrees, State Education Commissioner J.W. Edgar said Monday. 
   Edgar said he had received word from Arnold R. Weber, director of the U.S. Cost of Living Council, that Texas must follow a CLC ruling issued Sept. 3. 

Class of 1967 - Valedictorian & Salutatorian

Look at these beautiful smart people........  Class of 1967 High Island Valedictorian, Gwen LaRive (Edgar) and Salutatorian, Jerry Smith.

Bobcat - Collie Edgar

This is Collie Edgar holding a Bobcat from a hunting trip. There is not date on this article, but it was in the same pack as the previous few.
Article Reads:  Deer Blind Bobcat - Collie Edgar of Houston didn't put down his deer on a trip recently near Madisonville. But like many another deer-blind hunter. his search wasn't all in vain because this bobcat was foolish enough to show up. Edgar dropped him with one shot at 50 yards with his open-sighted 30-06. Right in the head, too.

Funeral rites Minnie Edgar

This was the newspaper announcement of the passing of Mrs. Minnie Edgar. It has the date written by Eunice herself, Oct. 4, 1964.

It reads: Funeral Rites Set For Mrs. M. Edgar

HIGH ISLAND (Spl) - Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Minnie Edgar, 74, of Dobbin.

Mrs. Edgar suffered a heart attack on Friday in her home and was taken to the Navasota hospital in Navasota, where she died on Sunday.
Services will be held on Monday at 4 p.m. in the Bedias Baptist Church in Bedias, Tex.
Survivors are two sons, Fred Edgar of High Island and Collie Edgar of Houston; a daughter, Mrs. B. C. Stratton of West Covina, Calif.; and four grandchildren.

Lite A Bike

I thought this was an interesting article, not sure of the year, but it's probably between the late 50s and early 60s.  Bike Safety History........ Sounds like they had some kind of reflective stickers.